We are discussing the Qve Quantum Emulation of a Virtual Server, an advanced topic of emulating a virtual process within the context of a series of blogs found here: The New Virtual: Quantum Emulation
We have the POWER to Build, and a LEGACY of learning to turn this economy around.
Today we want to talk about the biggest political divide there is: the Wall. We have considered the Wall and wanted to offer this idea, because instead of dividing us it might build a bridge.
Background thinking:
- We say that if being trapped is a state of mind^, not understanding the gap is an inability to maintain a presence of mind while the gap is being engineered. That is what we have discovered from the cliff notes of History. ^a Houdini premise requiring focus enables escape from failure, like escaping the Depression.
- You can't buy an economy, you have to develop one
- We believe that Energy can emulate the durability and strength of material.
- We also believe that Quantum adaptation is the pathway to the future.
Given our premises developed from our Research, we believe that building an Energy Wall would be the right answer.
- Energy emulation would be the start of Quantum Adaptation toward Virtual Glass and other more elaborate premises we have described
- Programmable Wall material would mean less patrolling and more reporting.
- It would also let us work with the idea of manifold design on unique levels of scale
- Most interestingly as partners, the Wall may build economy on both sides of the fence.
- Similar to the building of the Hoover Dam, it would prosper the U.S. Economy and give us a much needed boost in green technology capabilities. In fact, learning the use of green paint alone would help us to strengthen infrastructure.
There are a lot of stretches of the Border that are sparsely populated. And we would hope less chances that anyone would be harmed by a mistake. That would mean we would have to map it based on Risk Assessment based on the New Technology being developed.
Subscriber based solution can be developed so that Trading Partners can benefit from virtualized solutions. And a way to build partnerships as agencies would be very economically beneficial as long as the technology is used to give back to the country its invested potential. We have suggested that it is possible that we are working on the wrong scale and need a variable demand scalability (a long-term quantum goal.)
Developing a Road Map for defining the future of Quantum Adaptation would be very important to success. But the goals of the Primary Stakeholder are the first cause of all operations. From the start of the U.S. Government and to this day, the Constitution said "We the People..." because it was literally defined as a ONE system. And we may need to broaden that definition to include a World parameter of ONE.

In public domain the people are investors.
(Writing the people out is the wrong way to think because they become necessary.)
We found as we studied History, Story-telling and Engineering that the Quill that wrote our history was not designed to feather the pockets of individuals, as much as it was provided to adapt Time to the goals of the primary stakeholder.
We may be in that period of "Building Bridges, Changing Rules" which we have studied as a period of flux. But we wanted to see how this dynamic fit the Economy and did it seem to fit the model of our study.
The Euler Rate in our model of 6.8% is 2x3.4% or the impact of Wireless Study done by Deloitte in our last blog. From every study that we did, the impact on Markets from branching this technology should be very productive to our entire workforce.
The ability to embrace learning technologies and various other factors could make Quantum the house rule for ages to come. Green technologies are already on their way.
1. Micro photosynthetic power cells may be the green energy source ...
Oct 2, 2015 ... A novel micro-technology, which captures the electrical power generated by the photosynthesis and respiration of blue-green algae, has been ......
Oct 2, 2015 ... A novel micro-technology, which captures the electrical power generated by the photosynthesis and respiration of blue-green algae, has been ......
2. Tenfold jump in green tech needed to meet global emissions targets ...
Jan 3, 2017 ... The global spread of green technologies must quicken significantly to avoid future rebounds in climate-warming emissions, a new study shows....
Jan 3, 2017 ... The global spread of green technologies must quicken significantly to avoid future rebounds in climate-warming emissions, a new study shows....
Similar to the Hoover Dam project, Green Technologies may have the power to save a depressed generation. ...'it was called by the man whose name it bears “the greatest engineering work of its character ever attempted by the hand of man.” In fact, Hoover Dam reflected the engineering genius and design philosophy of the time. And, in the midst of the Great Depression, it was a symbol of hope for the dispossessed'. read story at PBS
Through a collaboration between the University of Calgary, The City of Calgary and researchers in the United States, a group of physicists led by Wolfgang Tittel, professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Calgary have successfully demonstrated teleportation of a photon (an elementary particle of light) over a straight-line distance of six kilometres using The City of Calgary's fibre optic cable infrastructure. The project began with an Urban Alliance seed grant in 2014.
This accomplishment, which set a new record for distance of transferring a quantum state by teleportation, has landed the researchers a spot in the journal Nature Photonics. The finding was published back-to-back with a similar demonstration by a group of Chinese researchers.
"Such a network will enable secure communication without having to worry about eavesdropping, and allow distant quantum computers to connect," says Tittel. https://www.sciencedaily.com/rel.../2016/09/160921082605.htm
This accomplishment, which set a new record for distance of transferring a quantum state by teleportation, has landed the researchers a spot in the journal Nature Photonics. The finding was published back-to-back with a similar demonstration by a group of Chinese researchers.
"Such a network will enable secure communication without having to worry about eavesdropping, and allow distant quantum computers to connect," says Tittel. https://www.sciencedaily.com/rel.../2016/09/160921082605.htm
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