Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Why focus on Metrics? The flatter the cloud the better the composition...

We're back to metrics again after considering several Green Technology ideas.

Working with Metrics and organizing and composing the theory of production and progression is a very big factor in VRD or variable rate demand which affects every organization and every product or service.

While SEO is an important concept in arranging a way for people to find you on the web, VRD is an important algorithm in helping you to offer them a product or service on a timely basis.

With the increase in agile demand, meeting that demand requires the ability to define your products and services for delivery in the speediest fashion possible to acquire the best ROI.

In retail it's important, in manufacturing it's imperative.

This is how we got into the modeling business in the first place.

How fast can you build a cube?  That may become the best of a series of important topics for this millenium.

In consideration of other topics not discussed here let's stop and consider some points we have developed:
  • Working on a META Basis allows the use of statistical inference, graphical interpolation and metric composition to follow the same basis.  This becomes very exciting when you consider the value of this for building and working with a VIRTUAL MACHINE
  • In a Flat Cloud arrangement (we point to the theory of QLD string) a Virtual Machine can be made, moved, changed and adapted without interrupting service. And this can be done using a Quantum Cube (at least hypothetically) and we modeled it mathematically.
  • Virtual Machines of this type offer the ability to make and model various virtual components of the Quantum Computing devices needed to generate complex manifolds and gates.
  • Lastly, photosynthetic virtualization would allow various types of imaging to project, combine and create subscriber relationships to the Flat Cloud virtual city.


How Green is a Green Technology? Photosynthesis and some other factors...

We get excited about a QLD Apple with Dynamic Quantum Windows... why? Because it's Tomorrow's Systems.  Keep Thinking Big.

We have worked through some of the ideas with a mathematical model of QLD energy.  We think it's worth a new Quantum Byte! Try a different slice of PI (Power Intelligence.)

Read about the Cube

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Disclaimer: Blog material is presented as the basis of discussion material and is not to be construed as advice, counsel or education, and may at times be misconstrued if read in a context different than the writer's intent. No portion of this blog has been knowingly reproduced. Any resemblance to a specific company or entity is purely coincidental

How Green is a Green Technology? Photosynthesis and some other factors...

We have taken the time to study where colonial engineering may lead us down the agile and adaptive road of nanotechnology.  And there we found some of the most interesting ideas:

Nanotechnology can become a mini virtual machine.  While this idea has not gone below atomicity yet, it is still relevant to the idea that meta materials can change the scope and picture of how things are made.

Nobel Foundation. "Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2016: Making the world's smallest machines." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 5 October 2016. .

A tiny lift, artificial muscles and miniscule motors. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2016 is awarded to Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Sir J. Fraser Stoddart and Bernard L. Feringa for their design and production of molecular machines. They have developed molecules with controllable movements, which can perform a task when energy is add
           This is QED not QLD

On top of this idea, quantum capability allows for the use of photosynthesis, meaning that items could be made similar to 3D Printing.

Kapil Amarnath, Doran I. G. Bennett, Anna R. Schneider, and Graham R. Fleming. Multiscale model of light harvesting by photosystem II in plants. PNAS, 2016 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1524999113
Given that the ability of PSII to regulate the amount of solar energy being converted to chemical energy is essential for optimal plant fitness in natural sunlight, understanding this ability and learning to manipulate it is a prerequisite for systematically engineering the light-harvesting apparatus in crops. It should also be highly useful for designing artificial materials with the same flexible properties.
Producing a product like this requires highly technical encryption methods.

Then we also have the idea of Encryption capabilities being enhanced with nanotech and putting this together you can keep your product virtually capable and safe, as a future feature.

We are exploring the use of nanotechnologies in two different states.  We are pointing to the future of QLD, a method of utilizing particles for building in a flat cloud container.

Energy could be used differently by repackaging it for a more effective use on microdots, allowing it to become directed and consumable in a digital way.  We often want to point to the use of quonics, but perhaps we are pointing off on a more distant adaptive track, perhaps in the future or more than 5 years.

We enjoy this topic and others related to agile and adaptive technologies.  Within the applications of virtual machines we believe significant progress can be made:

1.  The use of and conditioning of space
2.  Compositional techniques for the use of Time and Motion
3.   Tools and Gear
4.   Building applications in Meta Spaces

Are we ahead of the times?  Yes, a bit.  But we see the value in Qubit engineering.


Time and Motion: a space dynamic

More in-depth material here: The New Virtual: Quantum Emulation

 Find out what we do best...visit


Disclaimer: Blog material is presented as the basis of discussion material and is not to be construed as advice, counsel or education, and may at times be misconstrued if read in a context different than the writer's intent. No portion of this blog has been knowingly reproduced. Any resemblance to a specific company or entity is purely coincidental

Time and Motion: a space dynamic

We know that many people, particularly IT and Media managers, other than file compression, don't give a lot of thought to time and motion.

The reason that we mention this, is that Industry is constrained on the basis of Time and Motion factors.  A great deal of cost is associated with products because of space utilization.

But as we researched the ideas of Time and Motion we discovered that there are several ways of dealing with time that aren't ordinary in our universe except in media:

1.  Timelines
2.   Manifolds
3.   Time compression ports

These ideas are barely useful except in the meta field, but building in a designated space with a quantum computer is an idea that is interesting in view of the idea of building with nanotechnology.

Virtual Machines, Virtual ROM and RAM are ideas that we have been discussing for some time.  The  requirement for VIRTUAL MACHINES directly affects QUANTUM COMPUTING capability.

The theory that we have been espousing is that QLD methodology would remove the conflicts found in QED that may inhibit effective use of Virtual Machines and Quantum Computing. Also the Manifold approach may enhance SPEED of processing at the nanotechnology level.  QLD methodology may require a flat hydrogen atom which is an empty shell packaged with nanos "running" a daisy rho electron sequence. We have considered that the planar use of this technology may be more ideal.
Note:  we corrected this statement on 12/9/2016 JM

So we wanted to discuss the idea of agile builds and the justification of an agile build, to decide if these topics are worthwhile.  As business analysts the entire idea has great appeal.

And we want to pursue the idea of how time functionality changes the approach.

We noticed that everything can not be built at once in an agile assembly based on various types of constraints.  We can push our ideas out into blocks of time and find that we do not have the capacity to build all of our items in one year.  Or within the period of demand.

This brought us to the consideration of time scale.  While new technology can be costly, the idea of mass production usually absorbs much of the cost over a maturity curve.  So setting that idea aside for the moment let's just consider the design theory:

We would use separate timelines, i.e. three assembly operations if we could plot operations between three teams.  It would be smart to eliminate transition times and repackaging as much as possible.

But if we could use operations at the level of nanotechnology, we could begin to use quantum capability to design time on a manifold.

That idea reduces the time scale and by reducing the scale allows us to speed up the process.

Pricing is affected by the Time State of each theory.  But compressing the time scale really limits the cost of the build.  This idea seems far and away a concept that is unreachable for the time being.

But Timelines and Manifolds are a networking capability in space.  These ideas have scientific merit to them, and the lower the nano scale the more significant AI tools become.

We think it is worth discussing and emulating.  Quantum is on the move.

Green Technologies are really the next big thing...

Read this:

Product Push and Pull: Time and Energy that could be digitalized

Yes, real people doing real work for the future...

you might like to read this: Sideways Thinking
                                            Variable Rate Demand

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Disclaimer: Blog material is presented as the basis of discussion material and is not to be construed as advice, counsel or education, and may at times be misconstrued if read in a context different than the writer's intent. No portion of this blog has been knowingly reproduced. Any resemblance to a specific company or entity is purely coincidental



Product Push and Pull: Time and Energy that could be digitalized

The more we studied time graphically the more we realized that reaching across time was a costly problem.

As costs rise businesses try to eliminate people from the equation.  But it may not be that intelligent minds or active producers coupled with a paycheck is the problem.  It may be more that intelligent products need a more intelligent strategy.

Deep in the world of colonial engineering lies an answer to the dilemma that nobody points to: nanotechnology.  The smaller the component utilization the speedier it progresses.  But building in the meta world would have distinct advantages.

 If packaged correctly meta material would correspond most closely with virtual compositions of meta data.

And what would that lead to?  It would be the Time and Motion Evolution of Industry.

You could move a machine with a Server.  And deliver energy in its most refined and green format.

Are we thinking like crazy people?  It's an advanced concept but one worth pointing to...

Visio:  The place where CadCam and Production meet may be one-stop shopping when we learn to get around the Cube.

Afterall the Value Chain is not improved by eliminating the consumer.


Production Idealism is a Double Down Concept

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Disclaimer: Blog material is presented as the basis of discussion material and is not to be construed as advice, counsel or education, and may at times be misconstrued if read in a context different than the writer's intent. No portion of this blog has been knowingly reproduced. Any resemblance to a specific company or entity is purely coincidental


Production Idealism is a Double Down Concept

Inside of every production cycle there lies a lot of wasted time and motion.  The problem is that it's time and motion you can't see.

The fact that I have to move my fingers to type is a waste of time and motion because I can think faster than I speak, and I can speak faster than I type.

So moving parts are a big deal.

The next idea is that I have to reach across space.   It takes time to deal with space.

The last idea is that transitions have to be packaged, and that is a lot of wasted effort.

Now we have these idealistic concepts that could change the equation, and if we substitute our imaginary number of i for those factors we can clearly see that there are barriers to achieving our goal.

 If we could set our algorithm up to just efficiently branch between each operation we could think to ourselves that a virtual and shape shifting solution would be just the answer.  It sounds ridiculous.

But the time between us (our product) and the customer is the thing that needs to go away.    And we
would start with leads and end with delivery to make that equation work better.

We may be pointing idealistically to narrowing the gap but we want to point realistically to what nano technology might actually accomplish.   And to really think differently about graphical inference.

QLD Energy may also become QLD Shield based on the arrangement.

Metrics are the key to resolving all of the distribution problems we encounter.  But we have to think through the cube.

Read more:

Transitioning the business is more than moving people...

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Disclaimer: Blog material is presented as the basis of discussion material and is not to be construed as advice, counsel or education, and may at times be misconstrued if read in a context different than the writer's intent. No portion of this blog has been knowingly reproduced. Any resemblance to a specific company or entity is purely coincidental


Transitioning the business is more than moving people...

We think we speak for a lot of business enterprises when we say that transitioning the business to meet today's market requirements is a difficult chore.  Should we be bigger or smaller?  How do we prepare for the next big move?  Too bad it's not just a Use Case Diagram...

But then we started to think... maybe it is.

We could build a laptop this way.  The more electronic and componetized everything becomes the more likely that components can be assembled at the last minute or just in time.

We realized that the metric world is easily aligned with graphics and meta data, and that the only thing not virtually assembled is space and volume.  So we began a long hunt for flat and tuned.

move transition2.png

This is where the key to move transition is:  eliminating the packaging of space, the redundancy of time and the carrying cost of transitioning the product.

Sounds simple?  No, but thinking through the cube is a very big help.

The proxy idea of Tools and Gears includes a little Pokémon and Wikimon thinking...


The Value of Metrics in Graphical Interpolations and Meta Compositions

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Disclaimer: Blog material is presented as the basis of discussion material and is not to be construed as advice, counsel or education, and may at times be misconstrued if read in a context different than the writer's intent. No portion of this blog has been knowingly reproduced. Any resemblance to a specific company or entity is purely coincidental

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