Saturday, April 22, 2017

Faithful Steward, Nikola Tesla

We have brought Nikola Tesla to the forefront of our argument to demonstrate several points about
God as a Builder/Engineer in the World and in the Universe.

We have also faithfully followed Testimony that shows the Faithful Stewards of Works in this World, can become Priests of Creation in the Next World.  And that this is the prophetic Word found in the Book of Revelations.

And as we have noted, the final judgment has parameters associated with Stewardship of the Treasury of which God is certain and expects a great deal of America.

And we have documented elsewhere the faithfulness of our Founding Fathers, and their Stewardship as the faithful example of making the Constitution a LIVING DOCUMENT and the success of our Country's Treasury.  We found that many of the founders participated in Christian Communion and were strength to the others, especially President George Washington.

We offer this for your own consideration in participation of  Divine Mercy. April 23, 2017

SIGN of Faithfulness in protection of Nature

God raises up for Himself the Sons and Daughters of the New City.  We invite you to discover the Dignity of Man made in the Image of God.



And we are coming closer to a Technological Paradigm

closer to the etch-a-sketch, see next

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Proof of ONE

Features VCE Features VGL Features MDS Features PDS Features EMS Features ALL SCOPE REQ.  Advanced Topic Discussion Qve

We are discussing the Qve Quantum Emulation of a Virtual Server, an advanced topic of emulating a virtual process within the context of a series of blogs found here: The New Virtual: Quantum Emulation

An inability to track and to motivate particles is an inability to use Quantum correctly.  How do we identify these problems and how does it prove the need for a ONE System? A Practical use of Quantum is derived from the control of programmable matter and nanotechnology to make Green Technology and META based productions profitable.

Greg Egan's dust theory

Was the Dustbowl a Superstitious Event?

The first known publication of the idea of event symmetry is in a work of science fiction rather than a journal of science[citation needed]. Greg Egan used the idea in a short story called "Dust" in 1992[16] and expanded it into the novel Permutation City in 1995. Egan used dust theory as a way of exploring the question of whether a perfect computer simulation of a person differs from the real thing. However, his description of the dust theory as an extension of general relativity is also a consistent statement of the principle of event symmetry as used in quantum gravity.[citation needed]
The essence of the argument can be found in chapter 12 of "Permutation City". Paul, the main character of the story set in the future, has created a copy of himself in a computer simulator. The simulation runs on a distributed network sufficiently powerful to emulate his thoughts and experiences. Paul argues that the events of his simulated world have been remapped to events in the real world by the computer in a way that resembles a coordinate transformation in relativity. General relativity only allows for covariance under continuous transformations whereas the computer network has formed a discontinuous mapping that permutes events like "a cosmic anagram". Yet Paul's copy in the simulator experiences physics as if it were unchanged. Paul realises that this is "Like […] gravity and acceleration in General Relativity — it all depends on what you can't tell apart. This is a new Principle of Equivalence, a new symmetry between observers." Wikipedia

Greg Egan's Dust is utilizing a planar system. The ONE system requires a Virtual Planar system to eliminate decoherence and derive the correct quonic driven event.  This would require QLD.

In such a state, particles can be controlled similar to an Etch-a-Sketch.  This is why we suggested the use of THE WALL project.

The REAL power of quantum is getting it out of the box.  What this means is a VIRTUAL MACHINE transformation availing itself of a production capability.

Anything less than that is delivering no value for an expensive proposition.  We are suggesting that VIRTUAL CITY is the real goal.

Time driven on a Manifold basis is a requirement but controlled with gates, proxies can be used to derive an Active State.  Time and Motion is the better form of the Quantum State. And MODULATION is a KEY to Performance.

So many valuable products can be derived in this state it is a wonder that we hesitate with a peaceful proposition.  Similar to the use of nuclear power in the 70's the change to nuclear power plants was feared but gave people the hope that harnessing the power of the atom and putting it to productive use would generate a productive world.  And it has.

What we have done in our papers is to prove that Particles can be used to build in a Virtual META State under specific conditions of QLD and correct lattice arrangements.

Developing String Theory and utilizing quantum could give us a technology to replace nuclear power.  Once again we are discussing QLD

The power of string energy | Science Illustrated  QED not QLD

May 22, 2012 - The basic elements of this theory are strings or membranes, subatomic one-dimensional energy threads. The vibrations of these strings ...

The better theory of Quantum Graphiti is the use of CAD-CAM and other systems to directly simulate the production of Virtual Machines. 

Similarly, "American Graffiti," mobility at the start of the computer age did not result in a stereo-typical society, because people are complex and far too complex for binary systems.  But it did signal the start of the A-mazing G-race.  Within the complex of Flat Cloud Engineering Quantum may be the quintessential advancement for ages to come.

vero ni nike Christe

Read more of our arguments here:  The New Virtual: Quantum Emulation

Read also:
Blowin' in the Wind: a response to change

Find out what we do best...visit 

Learn More Live Better, don't be a Chi-ken

Disclaimer: Blog material is presented as the basis of discussion material and is not to be construed as advice, counsel or education, and may at times be misconstrued if read in a context different than the writer's intent. No portion of this blog has been knowingly reproduced. Any resemblance to a specific company or entity is purely coincidental.

To our Captain, Nothing We Do Must Fail

Blowin' in the Wind: a response to change

Features VCE Features VGL Features MDS Features PDS Features EMS Features ALL SCOPE REQ.  Advanced Topic Discussion Qve

We are discussing the Qve Quantum Emulation of a Virtual Server, an advanced topic of emulating a virtual process within the context of a series of blogs found here: The New Virtual: Quantum Emulation

Do you have to be an expert to write about change?  The National Academy of Sciences says "No."

What is the right role of Media in Scientific Assessment?  We think it is based on Technologists opening the door to the quasi-application of emulation and simulation models.  But how will these ideas be communicated?  To be discussed next...

Although this alternative system of public communication is already forming, it is unclear whether it will finally supplant or merely supplement science journalism (70, 78, 79). Some expect that science journalism will successfully transfer to the Internet, leading to online versions of well-known news media, adapted to the characteristics of the Internet (e.g., interactivity, hypertext structure, and multimedia). Others point to the current economic crisis of many of the “old” journalistic media, and expect that direct participation of scientists in social media, science bloggers, or “citizen journalists” can successfully replace classical journalism.

When old structures are replaced by new ones, we can waste a lot of time arguing about things that really don't matter anymore.  This may be one of those times to step back and take a look.

What is market simulation in a period of rapid technological development?  That is a new equation we have to be willing to work with.

We find that a progression of 72 reveals two conditions within theta:  62 and 82.  Working with branches has taught us that 62 will take us to the field condition.  And 82 will take us to the door.  If we add another 10 and move up to 92 we realize that scale is a condition that needs to be addressed. And likewise down to 52 we are getting to the ground state.  Branch thinking gave us a metric alignment that began to speak volumes about architecture, form, structure and interactive concepts.

We learned in the building industry that the substrate is very key to the level.  It just so happens that Green Technologies might be best delivered through the substrate.  And it also may be true that the Market Derivative for the New Economy may exist within a simulation model of the substrate market. (In other words, the still undeveloped or emerging Market.)

Also within progressions, we found that moving in six is as revealing as four (a Pascal realization.)  Then we found that 56 related to speed and 88 was related to the hurdle rate. Getting around the cube is like getting around Town, you need a map.

Suddenly we were forced to admit something:  we may be looking at the Big Apple the wrong way. Transit or Transition may be taking place on a level that we need to start pursuing, before the competition even knows its there.

So why waste time looking at the wrong end of a foregone conclusion?  Instead of looking at the gift horse, let's take a look at the cart.

What is commercially changing in every aspect of technology?  The answer is systems, and how are we capitalizing on the delivery of new science and technology?  The answer is we may not have our ear low enough to the ground.

Regression related to cube performance is found within the range of 57 through 59.  Area 51 is the flat end.  Interpolations from 911 reveal a Pascal Advantage in prognosticating change.  Take a look:

See that's the nice thing about having a step-sister.  She knows the difference between a Gap and a Pit.  The Gap needs to be engineered, and the pit is just the change in the aqueduct.  Why fight the Boolean Cube? Be willing to keep in step.

A type of watercourse
• Aqueduct (water supply), an artificial (man-made) channel that is constructed to convey water from one location to another. This can be made of canals, pipelines, inverted siphons, reservoirs and tunnels
• Roman aqueduct, water supply systems constructed during the Roman Empire

Tell HIM that HE doesn't know how to make soup?  I don't feel qualified!  REMIX

A New Fund-a-Men-taU-List

Read also:
Can the Stock Market deliver the Matrix Solution?

Find out what we do best...visit 

Learn More Live Better, don't be a Chi-ken

Disclaimer: Blog material is presented as the basis of discussion material and is not to be construed as advice, counsel or education, and may at times be misconstrued if read in a context different than the writer's intent. No portion of this blog has been knowingly reproduced. Any resemblance to a specific company or entity is purely coincidental.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Can the Stock Market deliver the Matrix Solution?

Features VCE Features VGL Features MDS Features PDS Features EMS Features ALL SCOPE REQ.  Advanced Topic Discussion Qve

We are discussing the Qve Quantum Emulation of a Virtual Server, an advanced topic of emulating a virtual process within the context of a series of blogs found here: The New Virtual: Quantum Emulation

Was Hamlet Right?  To BE or not too BE?  NO.  Hamlet made the mistakes of immaturity in dealing with political divisiveness.  Agreement with the correct role of the Market to find Quantum Technology will come with the right education.  The role of the MATRIX in quantum development is intrinsic to the performance from all sides of the cube.


We had begun to discuss some interesting aspects of the Market:

1.  The fact that we don't measure enough layers to formulate a really intense gap research mechanic  Why do we Hedge the Underlying: Market Theory
2.  Looking at the structure another way, things have moved on the smaller basis of materials and processes that we are not assessing in terms of their financial strength to define the market. (same blog)
3.  Realizing the Securitization potential of Qve

Securitization in Qve
In the ordinary world it took years before industry learned about:
Securitization‌ is the financial practice of pooling various types of contractual debt, such as residential mortgages, commercial mortgages, auto loans, or credit card debt obligations, and selling said consolidated debt as pass-through securities, or collateralized mortgage obligation (CMOs) to various investors. The cash collected from the financial instruments underlying the security is paid to the various investors who had advance money for that right.  Wikipedia
If Technology were to become truly Green, many more industries would merge their services, but create a more functional application of power, energy, capitalization of virtual products and combined subscription services.  It would be a truly Virtual Marketplace.

In keeping with our idea Zero Sum Game in Market Emulation  we have hit upon the equilibrius idea that the Matrix can be driven with the Stock Market.  We are not talking about just any Matrix, we are indeed speaking about the Wall Matrix itself.  We had suggested that the planar theory of the Energy Wall can be driven by manifold gauge systems and while the matrix is quite complex, it can be run with the Stock market itself.

What is the right role of Media in Scientific Assessment?  We think it is based on Technologists opening the door to the quasi-application of emulation and simulation models.  But how will these ideas be communicated?  To be discussed next...

Read also:
Public Education on Quantum Theory and Green Technologies

Find out what we do best...visit 

Learn More Live Better, don't be a Chi-ken

Disclaimer: Blog material is presented as the basis of discussion material and is not to be construed as advice, counsel or education, and may at times be misconstrued if read in a context different than the writer's intent. No portion of this blog has been knowingly reproduced. Any resemblance to a specific company or entity is purely coincidental.

Time will correct itself. Using Time carefully would inhibit Market Manipulation all together, and enable gauge control.  Like Hamlet, we can be led astray by manipulators and pushed out of our REAL role, or the REAL role of Time and Motion in the Marketplace. Agreement with the correct ROLE is a matter of clearing "whether" in a cloud of "conditions."  We are told that the right point of view will be delivered with a more in-depth study of functional market layers in surfacing technologies.

Public Education on Quantum Theory and Green Technologies

Features VCE Features VGL Features MDS Features PDS Features EMS Features ALL SCOPE REQ.  Advanced Topic Discussion Qve

We are discussing the Qve Quantum Emulation of a Virtual Server, an advanced topic of emulating a virtual process within the context of a series of blogs found here: The New Virtual: Quantum Emulation

We believe that Quantum works into the theory of a ONE System, of production based enterprise.  That is why we want Technologists to make a determination about the Future of Quantum and Learning programs for public education.

At present the Quantum world is beginning to catch up with concepts in the social order of industry, technology, green energy and other topics such as computing.  Colonial engineering has kept these topics at bay for some time while people have been somewhat unaware of the way this would affect our lives.  But now we are on that frontier.

We believe that public education is necessary on this topic and it is the usual job of governments to organize the social assimilation surrounding the acquisition of new technology or science, similar to the space program.  We take for granted that those things will happen.

It may simply be that the World Order is too complex and educational systems and other federated basis enterprise systems are organized in complex ways to develop technology so that it is under the radar without really being an economic globally assessed emerging Market.

Apparently the scientists are unhappy that government wants to clamp down on their work from being revealed in the media because government seems afraid it is too complex to be discussed in public forums.  But this approach is very sloppy, will not benefit our economy and lacking in that real progressive approach to the future.

We have been attempting to cover that gap by projecting into the future what Quantum sciences and nanotechnology especially in the areas of Green Technologies could mean to our Future.  We can't live in the past and must work to narrow the gap of community learning on these topics.

Gap between science and media revisited: Scientists as public communicators
The relationship between science and the public—or, more specifically, that between science and the media—has been characterized by metaphors and terms such as “distance” (1), “gap” (2), “barrier” (3), “fence” (4), “oil and water” (5), and “creative tension” (6). In their well-known study on the relationship between science and journalism, based on surveys of US scientists and journalists, Hartz and Chappell claimed in 1997 that “the distance between science and journalism threatens America’s future” (1), pointing to the political and economic implications of the science–media interface. Among the factors impeding communication, they noted that scientists and journalists were like strangers to each other, not able to understand each other’s language, and driven by different agendas. Furthermore, they pointed to negative perceptions of the general media coverage of science and technology by scientists. Their description of the science–media relationship was probably in tune with the dominant perception at the time. Leading scientists have frequently commented on the problems of the public understanding of science, and the public communication leading to these problems (7, 8). The many activities aiming to improve the science–media relationship and to explore alternative means of communicating with the public prove the almost global perception of an unsatisfactory relationship between science and the media The relationship between science and the public—or, more specifically, that between science and the media—has been characterized by metaphors and terms such as “distance” (1), “gap” (2), “barrier” (3), “fence” (4), “oil and water” (5), and “creative tension” (6). In their well-known study on the relationship between science and journalism, based on surveys of US scientists and journalists, Hartz and Chappell claimed in 1997 that “the distance between science and journalism threatens America’s future” (1), pointing to the political and economic implications of the science–media interface. Among the factors impeding communication, they noted that scientists and journalists were like strangers to each other, not able to understand each other’s language, and driven by different agendas. Furthermore, they pointed to negative perceptions of the general media coverage of science and technology by scientists. Their description of the science–media relationship was probably in tune with the dominant perception at the time. Leading scientists have frequently commented on the problems of the public understanding of science, and the public communication leading to these problems (7, 8). The many activities aiming to improve the science–media relationship and to explore alternative means of communicating with the public prove the almost global perception of an unsatisfactory relationship between science and the media

Technology for the asking:  The Planar version of Quantum can deliver the complete source of Virtual Server based energy necessary to power an electric car anywhere in the world, without batteries.  The Wall could pay for itself in no time, see prior blog...


Building Bridges, Changing Rules

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Disclaimer: Blog material is presented as the basis of discussion material and is not to be construed as advice, counsel or education, and may at times be misconstrued if read in a context different than the writer's intent. No portion of this blog has been knowingly reproduced. Any resemblance to a specific company or entity is purely coincidental

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